Connected technologies

At the heart of your building, at your fingertips

The diverse technologies employed ensure optimal control, minimal installation, and extensive range, providing you with a complete and custom solution to efficiently manage your building's needs.

Connected buildings’ revolution

lorawan monitor lorawan Standardized for better compatibility
lorawan monitor

Long range

Limitless interconnectivity

LoRaWAN connects devices across vast distances, ensuring robust and reliable communication, even in challenging environments with high levels of interference. Our equipment harnesses this technology for extended connectivity, propelling your buildings into an era of limitless communication. You can monitor and control remotely, freeing yourself from constraints and seizing every opportunity to enhance your operations.


Low energy consumption

Energy meets efficiency

Designed for performance, our LoRaWAN-connected devices operate for years without battery changes, contributing to the sustainability and environmental health of your equipment and buildings. Enjoy continuous monitoring, with the assurance that your sensors remain operational and reliable. Substantially reduce your maintenance and operational costs.

Standardized for better compatibility

Standardized for better compatibility

Respected standards, guaranteed compatibility

The LoRaWAN standard ensures perfect compatibility with various sensors and devices. You have a range of devices to choose from to meet your specific needs. Moreover, your data travels securely on a distinctive network, safeguarding the confidentiality of your information.

Unique and personalized configuration alert phone

Custom IoT solution

Technology adapted to your needs

Tailored and customized to your needs, standards, protocols, and specifics, the technology used by Assek Technologies enables precise monitoring and real-time implementation of actions and corrections.

  • Ease of deployment
  • Unique and personalized configuration
  • Real-time corrections and actions

One web application, infinite powers

Discover Assek web application