The kit for healthcare buildings

Make the most of your healthcare facilities, hospitals and clinics

Keep healthcare teams and patients comfortable by monitoring real-time levels of differential pressure, air quality, leakage and more.

  • Particle levels and negative pressure zones
  • Analysis of CO2 levels
  • Real-time alerts
  • Easy setup
  • Multi-site management

Kit contents for healthcare buildings

Air Quality sensor - AM319

Indoor air quality sensor for CO2, temperature, relative humidity, motion, luminosity, particulate matter, barometric pressure monitoring and HCHO or O3

Differential pressure sensor - R718Y

Compact negative pressure zone monitoring device equipped with differential pressure and temperature sensors.

Magnetic Switch - WS301

Compact device designed for the detection of door, window, or any other movable object openings and closings.

Humidity and temperature sensor - EM300TH

Compact and waterproof device for temperature and relative humidity monitoring.

Water leak detector for large area - EM300ZLD

Cutting-edge solution for large-area water leak detection, as well as ambient temperature and humidity monitoring.

LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway - UG65

Suitable for indoor environments such as professional, educational, and industrial settings. Enables the transmission of data from LoRaWAN devices to Assek software.

Interested in the connected kit for healthcare facilities?

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